Wednesday, March 4, 2009

If only life stood still...

Man, I am realizing more and more every day that life doesn't know what the word "chill" means. Things are always so busy, crazy and hectic. Although alot of the pressures are self induced, they still add up over time. What was I thinking taking 18 credits at school and working almost full time?!? It sure is worth it though. I have been learning so much and I am realizing that all of this education, if nothing else, makes me feel good because I know that I am accomplishing something.
Also, another thing I have relized is that although life is always moving in the fast lane, it is good to stop every one in a while and take a rest stop. Alhough it is nice to stay busy with school, work, friends, boys, letters, etc. it is also good to have a quiet moment to myself every once in a while. I used to hate being alone. Now I cherish those quiet moments. Hopefully in the near future though life will slow down ever so slightly so that instead of seeing everything pass by, I will be able to afford to stop and admire everyhting around me.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

My Wonderful White Christmas

This is my first official blog that i am posting with out the help of my wonderful friends! I feel like a big girl now :). I absolutely love the holiday season. It is such a wonderful time of the year. There is a wonderful spirit about things that is unexplainable. I have had such a wonderful Christmas this year. I was able to spend alot of my time before Christmas doing fun stuff with friends like seeing the lights, making gingerbread houses, and even caroling (always a classic). My best friend Emily was so kind as to buy me some Christmas pajamas since my family doen't have that tradition in my home. My family did our classic tradition on Christmas eve of having tacos for dinner and then opening all of our presents. Christmas's have gotten so much better as my family has gotten older becuase we never really have gotten much nor made a big deal about things. It is fun though cause now everyone can afford to buy presents for everyone so there is alot more love and thought put into Christmas by everyone. My little sister gave me a really cool furry jacket that she had been saving up for. My parents also gave me the best present ever.... A laptop!!! I have needed one so bad. This last semester was so rough trying to do everything without a computer of my own to do all of my work. I didn't expect it at all. I knew that they couldn't afford to buy me one so I didn't even ask nor expect them to buy it for me. It is amazing though that when you do what the lord asks of you, he will bless you and your family with the things that you need in your life. I even got a few things that I can use in my future home when I get married ha ha!!! (I figured that I had better start asking for things that will help me in the future). I also got the chance to learn how to make bread from Emily's mom on Christmas Eve and also tamales from Amparo Hernandez. This gift of knowledge is wonderful!!!
Aside from the presents though I do have to say that I am so grateful for all of my wonderful friends. They have been such power houses in my life. Every last one of them has influenced me and helped make me become the person that I am today. I got the wonderful surprise of getting a phone call from Jerrad, my good buddy wishing me a Merry Christmas. It was really great to get to talk to him, clear up some misunderstandings, and also lift his spirits since he is far from home. I also got to spend some time with my friend Dustin which was great. He is so fun and always keeps me smiling. I am so thankful for him. Me and my buddy Emily Bateman went to the assisted living center and went caroling with all her sisters while her dad played the violin for us. The Bateman family have been such wonderful examples to me. They mean the world to me. I practically live at there home and they accept me there willingly.... bless their hearts :) This Christmas sure has been different from other years, but wonderful none the less.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Holiest Day of the Year....minus all Christian holidays and conference

We are excited. This is Kayleigh. And Whitney. And Jessica, whose really not typing right now, even though this is her blog. She's just watching. And laughing. And wanting to punch Kayleigh in the face while Whitney takes pictures with a rabbit.

This will not happen again.

BYU vs. U of U...Whitney's cheering for UVU, even though football isn't believed there. Or nonexistent.